Letter: Bipartisanship is ability to put governance ahead of party loyalty

Letter to the Editor

I am writing in response to Kirk Donald’s letter of April 20. In his letter, he accuses Kelli Wegener of being “too extreme, too partisan” for McHenry County. He bases this characterization on a few issues on which he disagrees with Kelli’s stance.

But bipartisanship isn’t lack of opinion, lack of values, or lack of expression. Bipartisanship is the ability to put governance ahead of party loyalty, i.e. the practice of working with people who hold differing views.

This is precisely what our society is lacking. We have people in every camp who put “winning” ahead of governing effectively and compassionately. Being a county with a preponderance of Republican voters, it makes sense to me that we need someone who will work with people of all parties (and no parties) to get things done fairly for all.

I believe Kelli is that person. She has shown she can work with Republicans and can disagree with Democrats, maintaining true to her beliefs. And it is this ability to look beyond party labels that the position of County Board chair demands. She will set the standard for fair and inclusive leadership.

Mike Chakoian

Crystal Lake