May Day Baskets: A Cherished Tradition at Ottawa Friendship House

Ottawa Friendship House - May Day Baskets: A Cherished Tradition at Ottawa Friendship House

Every year as spring reawakens the world with bursts of color and life, Ottawa Friendship House embraces an endearing tradition that brightens the local community — delivering handmade May Day baskets. This delightful practice, led by Allison, the Director of Employment and Outreach Services, and her clients, has woven a tapestry of joy and connection for over 15 years.

Originating from a deep-rooted history of support and advocacy for adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), Ottawa Friendship House has long stood as a beacon of inclusion and community engagement. The May Day basket tradition exemplifies this ethos, involving clients in a hands-on activity that reaches out into the community with tokens of friendship and springtime cheer.

The baskets, crafted from vibrant construction paper and designed by the clients themselves, are filled with treats like popcorn, flowers, and candy. In some years, even the community’s dogs receive their own baskets filled with treats, ensuring everyone gets a share of the happiness. This thoughtful gesture not only allows clients to engage creatively, but also gives them a role in spreading kindness throughout Ottawa.

The community’s response has been overwhelmingly positive. Residents look forward to this yearly surprise, often sharing pictures of their festive baskets on social media, including on Allison’s page or the Ottawa Friendship House’s official channels. The impact of missing a year when May Day fell on a weekend was palpable, with many expressing how much they missed the annual tradition.

This beloved ritual not only reinforces community bonds, but also highlights the capabilities and contributions of individuals with IDD. It serves as a reminder of the power of small acts of kindness in fostering a more inclusive and connected society.

Ottawa Friendship House’s May Day basket tradition remains a heartwarming highlight of the year, celebrating the spirit of community and the arrival of spring in a uniquely memorable way.

For more information, or to support this incredible organization, please contact:

Ottawa Friendship House

1718 N. 2525th Rd.

Ottawa, IL 613350

Ph: (815) 434-0737

Ottawa Friendship House